Business Aviation
Business Aviation
So Fresh, So Clean air in your business jet cabin. By having Ionic Air Care’s i7000A dual-polar ion generators installed in your aircraft, you can rest assured you are getting the highest performance product on the market that’s built to last over 100,000 hours of use, and made in the USA. In addition, our i7000A units come with a 5-year warranty and 10-year product support commitment from the time of installation in your aircraft.
For a better understanding of our aircraft installable ion generator products, please visit the i7000A product page.

Dual-polar ionization technology for a So Fresh, So Clean aircraft cabin environment.
Ionic Air Care’s products are all clean sheet designs with multiple patents pending on our i7000A ion generator units, our i1000DA series carbon fiber reinforced ECS duct adapters, & our ground use ion generator / air mover units. Cleaner cabin air for our business aviation customers.